Development ChangeLog

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can now choose from several preset window sizes in addition to manual resizing ** can select fullscreen display modes ** can toggle vsync ** fps limit sliders


use criss-cross renderer for flower and tall grass entities ** doubled the size of tall grass entities ** tripled the size of flower entities ** increased player height and eye to player height ratio ** decreased player height when crouching ** crouching now changes step height ** crouching now changes collision height so player can walk under 10/16 slabs ** added fov slider in graphics menu


spawn stacks inside player collision box to prevent them from spawning inside blocks near player ** attempt to shift crafting output slot to inventory before determining craftable quantity ** spawn player on ground instead of falling through leaves to a potential death drop ** stacks bounce up and down to minimize z-fighting ** stacks fall when block below is removed


dropped stack entities ** fix crash when inventory opened and closed while crouching ** fix crash when inside enclosed section at top or bottom of world ** fix crash when placing stairs and slabs ** fix crash when above or below build limit


fixed hand jitters when turning while sections are generated


object pools for AABBs, CollisionObjects and CollisionHit (fewer and faster GC pauses)


improved boulders and resource blobs ** fixed camera inside enclosed sections ** object pools for Chunks, Sections, Events, EventQueues, Meshes and WorldSections (fewer and faster GC pauses) ** optimized info hud to reduce GC pauses ** 50-75% reduction in allocated Mesh objects


tweaked log-end texture ** sun and moon ** show map view radius in graphics panel


numerous micro-optimizations ** darker leaves ** sliders can be clicked to adjust ** vertical view radius setting ** removed depth fog ** improved distance fog ** added fog on skybox along horizon


rotatable logs, leaves and worldgen trees

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